Geographical Indication

Protection for Geographical Indication in Indonesia is actually introduced for the first time as provided under the Trademark Law of 2001. However, it is not until 2007 that the implementing government regulation is issued, enabling the Indonesian IP Office to administer registration of domestic and foreign geographical indications alike.

Services offered by the AMR Partnership related to Geographical Indication registration shall include, but not limited to :

  • Prosecution of foreign Geographical Indication at the Indonesian IP Office;
  • Translation of foreign GI’s Book of Requirements and Specification to the Indonesian language as mandatorily required, either from English, or from other foreign language text such as German or Japanese to Indonesian in no urgent basis;
  • Drafting/Reviewing Geographical Indications Licensing/Assignment Contract/ Clauses;
  • Geographical Indication-related Litigation at Administrative Proceedings as well as Commercial, Civil and/or Criminal Court